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my own poetry dedicated to loved ones

a fathers daughter 


he held my hand as

i grew taller

to his knee, his hip,

now almost shoulder height 

he still watches over me even tonight.


many have told me i have your smile 

and your similar ways of thinking,

even the same humour which i find amusing.

and i stand quite tall knowing how similar i am

to a hero that i admire, through every detail 

like my smile and my thoughts

 to the way, i progressed through achieving my goals without ever giving up.


even through the way, our ears had found comfort in similar music and types of genres i never knew you liked.

through the ways our opinions and views were not just an argumetal thing

but more of an understaning and explanation of things i still have yet to know and learn.


through the way you spoke and the way you wave your hands.


this is how i know you will always be with me

through the small details of myself and the things around me.

i will never forget because it was you who had taught me.


- Your daughther, Gabrielle

A fathers  daughter

a fathers daughter was writen by me , dedicated to my father who  unfortunately passed away from   terminal stage 4 cancer, i dedicated and wrote this poem in honour of him, the poem features remembrance and details such as your own personal traits as well as  the details   about yourself -  in-which  it would be impossible to forget such an important inspiration and mentor, as they flow within each action and motion in everything  you do and or say.

for this poetic visual, i would love to dedicate a personal poem in remembrance of my father, for this i would like to film a cinematic or animation for this.

for this poem i would film the different height changes for the beggining of the stanza one, and possibly scrible out the character in white to symbolise that they are now gone, but the child hold this mans hand and grows taller and taller

"he held my hand as

i grew taller

to his knee, his hip,

now almost shoulder height "



Film Ideas


 for my short horror film i would like to possibly base it off of a non verbal film, i had some ideas that i would like to possibly:


-poppy play time 

-beginning intro bit old indie 

  • no talking based film

  • the death scenes telling u wot to do 

  • sounds of the woods but nothing following 

  • circle of stones 


start of the film 

  • starts in the bedroom (mine) 

  • edited to be pink and airy 

  • blue light coming from laptop

  • zoom into character 1 

  • filming on to computer video



-film the video that character 1 watches on screen with digital film camera

-uncanny valley




-blair witch



ideas using a flash light shining into whatever and putting up the exposure so you can only see what u see with the flashlight 


found footage 

using old voice message phone calls

title page 1by 1 written animation 


beginning part entry 

  1. using green screen crumpled paper

  2. writing over in real time cursive 



camera  uses:

- dolly zoom

- possibly the use of camera slider


Scripting for Narrative horror

For the beginning of the horror film
i would like to begin the film by starting it off with  the title page using mixed media work using stock video stop motion paper anmation
such as these:
for the continuing part of this i would like it to follow up a muffled voice message  starting the beginning scene and using  a full shot camera angle starting the squence where the charcter could be either riding a bike and or  only listening to the voice   message   or starting the character laying on   the bed and filming whilst the phone   rings   from a birds eye view as  well as  a close up shot on the   phone buzzing   and   add in the actors   name.

for the second sequence   of the film the charcter
gets up   and starts his   school   project   as well  as plagorizing work   they   discover   either via email   or link sent by   a friend   and or   website   that   leads to  a video   link,

seperating the   video link i would also   like to post the video   seperately   on youtube   to suggest   that the curse   of   the video   still   lingers.

when the charcter   clicks on the link i would like the  video  to contain some religious imagery  as well  as scary or gory    aspect and possibly  use a poem  that creates the atmosphere of anxiety, possibly something that tells you to not read it out loud.
a continuety

  • Narrative 

  • The beginning of the scene starts of with the character in the bedroom using the first shot at an angle  

  • Then filming intense close-up shots that are hand hold  

  • All filmed with background music 

  • Next shot the character receives a notification and he clicks on the link that leads him to a website 

  • The shots of the cursed video pop up for a short amount of time 

  • The character watches the video and then closes the laptop to go to the bathroom 

  • The charcter walks to the bathroom and starts brushing his teeth  

  • This scene needs to be long to create the tension 

  • For the next scene the door slides open and there's footsteps 

  • The character goes to check it out  

  • A separate scene pops up of the demon 

  • The character goes back to the bathroom and starts a bath 

  • After the bath, the character heads downstairs and there is a separate scene where the demon pops up. 

© 2023 by Gabrielle Tuson. Proudly created with

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