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Interim Evaluation

How much have you achieved so far on your music video film?

In my opinion, i think ive achieved quite alot by adding new ideas onto my music video film, however,   i have strayed   some what from my original idea, however i  do like the adaptation i have  added towards the film.

How much have you achieved so far on your music video portfolio?

For my music video portfolio, i have edited and added more   animated content and more   different designs onto my websites   changing   the   layout   of  the website by addiung fonts and  photos

have you had to change your ideas as you progressed?

Absolutely,  as i did this project i was quite indecisive in what i wanted to  do and the whole vibe of the music video and website as i desperately wanted it to represent me as a whole and have a feel for what i am able to do.

if so why did you change your ideas?

I didn't feel like  the ideas that i had represented or showed the best that i could do, i also felt that it might have fitted the song better  and wanted to experiment with different lights and the idea of color.

what are your plans   at this stage for finishing your portfolio and outcome?

my   plans for my website and film are to be the most of what it can be, i hope to add more contextual information and my own project films that i have done or bring in photo examples into my portfolio in hopes it  represents and shows what i can do as a film student.

how well do you think your project is turning  out?

So far i am quite happy with my project, however i  wish i had more experience with  adobe premier pro and using a film camera as i felt that these might have limited the way in which i edit and film , however despite this i experimented with this camera and learnt the second try of filming the music video.

are there any skills you still need to complete the music video film outcome?

I think the skills in which i need to complete are probably my speed in editing and the way in which i direct my music video, for next time i should come up with a list of things i want to film, so it. makes it easier for me to think whe n i start shooting, i also think another skill that would be useful for me , would be time management as when i started filming and then editing over the half term, i realised that the two shoots were not enough and was left very last minute.

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